The Town of Dundee website is undergoing modifications to provide enhanced access to documents for disabled individuals who are visually impaired and to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to make reasonable accommodations. While these modifications are being made many documents have been removed. If you would like to obtain a document not currently provided on the website, please contact our Town Clerk, Trevor Douthat at (863) 438-8330 Ext. 258 or Thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement these changes.

March 18, 2020

With the ever changing guidelines from the CDC and now a confirmed case in Polk County, the health and safety of our residents and employees is our number one priority. Until restrictions are lifted by the CDC and in an effort to reduce the number of people entering Town Hall, the Town of Dundee is encouraging residents to make their payments by electronic check, credit or debit card via the Town’s website, by phone or to utilize the Town’s drop box behind Town Hall. We will be checking the drop box hourly from 7 AM to 4 PM. Thank you for you cooperation and understanding. Stay Safe!

March 16, 2020

Below are details regarding Town operations in compliance with the most recent COVID-19 guidance provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention:

• Limited computer availability at Dundee Library
• Dundee Library will close at 5PM (M-F)
• All Community Events are cancelled for 60 days (i.e. Easter Egg Event, Community Wide Cleanup, etc.)
• Cancellation of all rentals at the Community Center for 60 days
• No Special Magistrate, Tree Board, or Planning & Zoning Meeting for March
• Installation of hand sanitizer stations at Town Hall and Library

Moment to moment updates and changes to CDC guidance may result in modifications of this plan and will be addressed in updates following this release.

Please be safe!