The Town of Dundee website is undergoing modifications to provide enhanced access to documents for disabled individuals who are visually impaired and to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to make reasonable accommodations. While these modifications are being made many documents have been removed. If you would like to obtain a document not currently provided on the website, please contact our Town Clerk, Trevor Douthat at (863) 438-8330 Ext. 258 or Thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement these changes.

February 1, 2020

The Boil Water Notice has been lifted! Thanks for your patience and understanding during this time. Thanks to staff for working so diligently to rectify the problem. Peace and love to everyone!

January 30, 2020
UPDATE- Boil Water Notice



Town Staff has worked tirelessly to repair the 10 inch water line break, which ultimately caused us to shut down both water plants.  Water is back on and pressure is back to normal.  As mandated by the state, we issued a Precautionary Boil Water Notice.  While the water is back on, the notice is still in effect until the Florida Department of Health (DOH) gives us the confirmation to rescind the notice.  This generally takes up to 48 hours.   Once we are confirmed by DOH, we will notify you.  Please find the attached notice.


Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.  



January 29, 2020


A boil water notice has been issued to all Town of Dundee utilities customers.

The notice is because of a water main break (Pine Street).

Residents affected should drink bottled water and/or boil water to a rolling boil for at least one minute for cooking or drinking.

The notice will remain in effect until water sampling analysis is complete, which normally takes about 48 hours.

For questions or concerns, contact Customer Service at 863.438.8330.

Town staff is diligently working to rectify the problem.  We will update the website when the notice has been lifted.