Town Clerk

Town Clerk

Clerks Logo: Your Right to Know

The Town Clerk attends all meetings of the Town Commission and keeps minutes of its proceedings, the correctness of which proceedings shall be attested to by his/her signature; and the official minutes of the Town Commission, when duly signed by the Town Clerk shall be prima facie evidence of the facts and the happenings stated therein. He/she shall furnish certified copies of the minutes as required.

The Duties of the Town Clerk:

  • Official Public Records Custodian
  • Administers any oath required by the law of ordinances of the Town.
  • Be the official custodian of the seal of the Town of all records and papers of an official charter pertaining to the affairs of the Municipality; and whenever an official seal is required on any official document of the Town of Dundee same shall be affixed, by the Town Clerk.
  • Sign all ordinances and resolutions and record in full in books kept for said purposes all ordinances and resolutions, and furnish certified copies as required.
  • Perform all other duties as may be assigned by the town manager, required by ordinance, or any duties applicable and proper to be performed by the Town Clerk.




To comply with the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Town has removed online access to most files including ordinances, resolutions, proclamations, agreements, etc. To review or receive a copy of any file, please contact the Town Clerk’s office.

Agendas & Minutes

Code of Ordinances 

Contact the Town Clerk

Staff: Erica Anderson, Town Clerk

Office Phone: 863-438-8330 ext. 258
Office Location: Town Hall
Office Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm Monday through Friday
Office is closed Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.