As of October 2018, the Dundee Town Commission has NOT reauthorized the DCAC.
General Functions
The Dundee Citizen Advisory Committee (DCAC) was established in 2014 by the Mayor and Town Commission (Resolution #14-09/Resolution #15-08), in an effort to further the Town Commissions’ goal of citizen involvement in the Town of Dundee.
The DCAC was comprised of five (5) voting members (residents) and two (2) non-voting ex-officio members (a business owner/operator and a Commission Liaison). The DCAC shall hold at least two (2) meetings per term and any other meetings may be held upon the call of the Town Commission, Town Manager and /or written request of a member of the DCAC.
The DCAC had a term that expired September 30, 2017 when the Town Commission had the opportunity to pass another resolution extending the DCAC, but chose not do so.