Planning and Zoning Board

Planning and Zoning Board

To submit an application to serve on the Planning & Zoning Board, please fill out the Town of Dundee Board Membership Application and submit it to the Town Clerk at Town Hall or email your application to

The Planning and Zoning Board consists of five voting members appointed by the Town Commission whose responsibility is to review and recommend approval or denial of various development applications.

General Functions

The Planning and Zoning Board serves as the Local Planning Agency for the Town of Dundee pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Ch. 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, and performs all functions and duties prescribed in the statute.  As the Local Planning Agency, the Planning and Zoning Board coordinates the comprehensive planning program and prepares the comprehensive plan, elements, or portion thereof for the Town of Dundee and recommends amendments to the Comprehensive Plan to the Town Commission for adoption as needed.

In addition to this role, the Planning and Zoning Board advises and makes recommendations to the Town Commission regarding applications for amendments to the Official Zoning Map, requests for Special Exceptions or other special designations on property within the Town, and approval or denial of various development applications.

The Planning and Zoning Board is responsible for obtaining and maintaining information on population, property values, the land economy, land use, and other information necessary to assess the amount, direction, and type of development anticipated in the Town.  At the request of the Development Director, the Planning and Zoning Board interprets and determines the intent of provisions of the Code that are unclear or in conflict with other regulations and considers the need for revision or addition of regulations in the Unified Land Development Code, including the Land Development Regulations, and recommend changes to the Town Commission.


The Planning and Zoning Board meets on the third Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m. However, the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board may set or cancel a meeting.  Please check the Community Calendar for the most recent scheduling status of an upcoming meeting.

Board Membership

The Planning and Zoning Board includes five regular board members and an ex-officio member from the School Board.  The Mayor appoints members to the Planning and Zoning Board with the approval of the Town Commission to serve a term of three years.


Each member of the Planning and Zoning Board shall reside or own a business in the Town, and at least two members of the Board shall reside in the Town.

Current Board Members

Member Qualification Term Ends
Annette Wilson Resident 10/2024
Jeffrey Gunter, Chair Business Owner & Resident 05/2026
Drecextel Robinson Resident 11/1/2025
David Joubert Resident 02/01/2026
Jennifer Farrell, School Board Ex-Officio Member N/A