Emergency Orders

Emergency Orders

Local State of Emergency Directives

Local jurisdictions have the authority to declare, by resolution, a local state of emergency pursuant to Section 252.38(3)(a)5., Florida Statutes.

A local state of emergency directive can be initiated by a town/city at any time, but in most cases, it should be declared prior to requesting a response or recovery assistance from the state. Declaring a local state of emergency informs state decision-makers that an emergency situation exists beyond the response or recovery capabilities of the local jurisdiction.

The enactment of such a directive will enable counties to:

  • Request state assistance, if needed
  • Invoke emergency-related mutual-aid assistance
  • Waive the procedures and formalities otherwise required of the political subdivision by law, to respond to the emergency

Official copies of the Town of Dundee Emergency Orders are available by contacting the Town Clerk.

Resolution 22-44 Hurricane Ian Local State of Emergency