Polk Cares 2020 – Applications Open on May 19, 2020

May 14, 2020

Polk County’s Board of County Commissioners has approved a plan that will help residents and small business owners left struggling financially from COVID-19 pandemic layoffs and business closures.

In late April, the county received $126 million from the federal government’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act grant meant to provide relief to small businesses and residents who were either furloughed or laid off from their jobs.  Assistance will help pay for utilities, rent and mortgages, and help small businesses to remain open or reopen. The Board allocated $40 million for small business economic development needs, $30 million for health and human service needs, $30 million for community healthcare related to the coronavirus, and $26 million for county and local government’s costs and services dealing with COVID-19.

Beginning Tuesday, May 19, individuals and small business owners may apply online. The online application process will require residents and business owners to fill out a form, and attach verifying documentation with the application.

A call center to assist residents with questions regarding Polk County’s CARES Act financial assistance will also open on Tuesday, May 19. Call center staff will be available from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Saturday. The call center telephone number will be published here when it opens.

Click here for more information – https://www.polk-county.net/polk-cares-2020