RFP 20-01 (Race Road) – Questions & Addendum *Updated 4.23.2020*

April 22, 2020

Please find the information for an addendum (#1) to RFP 20-01:

  • ECF Plans can be obtained by contacting Rayl Engineering at (alan@rayleng.com)
  • Provide a unit cost/cubic yard for 5’ wide, 4” thick, fiber mesh reinforced concrete sidewalk
  • Plans will be available prior to final contract negotiations.

The deadline for submission has been extended until Friday, April 24, 2020 at 3PM.




Contractor will also construct 5’ sidewalk along the eastern/southern right-of-way in accordance with plans prepared by Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC.

Can you send me that plan showing the sidewalk?  The ECF plans I received do not show this sidewalk. Plans are not yet prepared. Please provide the concrete unit cost. Plans will be complete prior to final contract negotiations.

  1. The ECF Plans call for the work to be from station 117+50 to station 125+89.21.  This is consistent with the quantities provided.  The ECF plans also show a 1’ deep swale on the West side road with (4) “ditch” blocks.  Will the swale and the (4) ditch blocks need to be constructed?  If so, does the pricing go in item #5 in bid scope sheet?  Can you provide a detail for the ditch blocks? The swale and ditch blocks were previously constructed. Nothing is needed for these items.
  2. The existing clay / millings road (according to the plans) is now at or close to final grade.  This means the road way will need to be excavated out approximately 11.5” to accommodate the clay, limerock, and asphalt.  Where do we price this item? In subgrade prep.
  3. Since this is governed by SWFWMD, will you need certified as-builts? Project has exemption. Town will address formal as-builts from contractor provided redlines.
  4. Can this section of the road be closed to traffic during construction? Yes.
  5. The plans show silt fence.  Which Item do we place the pricing for this? Silt fence won’t be installed as shown on the plans. We will adjust final quantities and costs with the selected bidder prior to contract finalization.
  6. Will the City require soil testing…densities?  If so, which item do we place the pricing for this. Yes, all standard testing will be required. Show as an allowance, please.
  7. Will the permanent striping be thermoplastic? Yes.
  8. Where do we price the MOT portion of the work? Include with mobilization, please.