Purchasing & Procurement

Purchasing & Procurement

Purchasing for the Town of Dundee is coordinated through the Town Clerk’s office. In conjunction with the Administration & Finance Division, the Purchasing Department is responsible for the procurement of all goods and services in a manner that is ethical, impartial, open, fair, honest, and in accordance with policies, procedures, and laws.

The Purchasing Department administers all Request for Bids (RFB), Request for Proposals (RFP), Request for Qualifications (RFQ), Request for Quotation (RFQ), and Request for Information (RFI) in order to obtain goods and services in the most cost-effective, timely, and professional manner.

In addition, the Purchasing Department also works with all Town departments to:

  • Process purchasing requisitions,
  • Determine appropriate purchasing methods,
  • Assist in obtaining quotes
  • Develop standard specifications
  • Consolidate requisitions and purchase of like items to obtain the maximum economic benefit and cost savings
  • Explore the possibilities of buying in bulk to take full advantage of quantity discounts.
  • Manage the City’s surplus property to include arranging for disposal through an online auction.
  • Develop purchasing policies and procedures for the purchase and contract of all materials, supplies, equipment, and services.

The Town of Dundee uses both a decentralized and centralized approach to buying with $30,000 being the threshold between the two types. Individual departments purchase their own items that fall under the $30,000 threshold, and the Purchasing Division facilitates the purchase of items over $30,000.

For the disposition of surplus property, the Town uses Central Florida Auction.

Purchasing Department OPEN Bid Schedules

BID IDStatusAnnouncedQuestions DueSite Visit/Mandatory Pre-Bid MeetingBid Due DateProject NameActions
RFP #25-01Open3/26/20253/3/2025 12:00 PMN/A3/12/2025 12:00 PMAuditor SelectionRFP 25-01 Proposal

Purchasing Department CLOSED Bid Schedules

BID IDStatusClose DateProject NameResults Issued DateActions
RFQ #18-01CLOSED04/08/2018Water, Sewer, Stormwater Rate Study08/14/2018Download Results
RFP #18-04TERMINATED12/07/2018Demolition Services12/12/2018Download Results
RFP #18-05TERMINATED01/16/2019Repaving & Milling Services01/21/2019
RFP #19-01CLOSED02/11/2019Demolition Services - 705 N. Adams Ave02/13/2019Download Results
RFP #19-02CLOSED02/11/2019Road Resurfacing & Milling Services02/13/2019Download Results
RFP #19-03CLOSED05/20/2019Residential & Commercial Solid Waste, Recycling, Yard Waste and Bulk Waste Removal Services06/11/2019Download Results
RFP #20-05CLOSED08/14/2020Remova/Demo of Old Docks and Replace with New Aluminum Floating Docks at Lake Menzie08/14/2020Download Results Here- RFP 20-05
ITB #20-06TERMINATED01/28/2020Removal/Demo of Existing Public Works Fence and Replace with New FenceN/AITB 20-06 Termination Notification 01.28.2021
ITB #21-01CLOSED04/02/2021Chain Link Fence at Public Works Facility04/07/2021ITB 21-01 TABULATION RECORD 20210407
RFP 22-01CLOSED01/27/202202/11/202202/09/2022RFP 22-01 TABULATION RECORD
RFP 22-02TERMINATED04/14/2022Historical Depot RenovationN/A- Cancelled to no attendance to mandatory site visit & pre-bid meetingTERMINATED
RFP 22-03CLOSED03/16/2022Design Construction and Installation of Splash PadsReceived no bids.N/A
RFP 22-02CLOSED04/28/2022Margaret Kampsen Historic Train Depot Interior/Exterior Renovation05/02/2022- Intent to AwardRFP 22-02 TABULATION RECORD
RFP 22-04REJECTION OF ALL BIDS06/06/2022New 40'x40' Steel Building for Utility Department06/13/2022- Rejection of all bids
06/07/2022- Intent
Notice of Rejection of All Bids
RFP 22-04 Final Bid Tabulation Record
RFP 22-06CLOSED01/06/2023Mobile Event Stage01/20/2023RFP 22-06 Tabulation Record
RFP 23-01CANCELLED01/23/2023Renovation & Remodel of the Dundee Fire DepartmentCancelled 01/17/2023RFP 23-01 has been cancelled due to no attendance at the January 17, 2023 mandatory site visit & pre-bid meeting.
RFP 23-01CANCELLED02/21/2023Renovation & Remodel of the Dundee Fire DepartmentCancelled 02/16/2023RFP 23-01 has been cancelled due to no attendance at the February 15, 2023 mandatory site visit & pre-bid meeting.
RFP 23-01CLOSED04/04/2023Renovation & Remodel of the Dundee Fire Department04/04/2023RFP 23-01 Tabulation Record Final
RFP 23-02 CLOSED07/18/2023Dundee Fire Department Engine Bay Door Replacement07/26/2023RFP 23-02 Tabulation Record
RFP 23-05CLOSED10/10/2023Lake Marie Pedestrian/Bike Trail Bridge ReplacementN/A - All bids rejectedAll bids rejected. Will reissue RFP at a later date.
RFP 23-06CLOSED10/10/2023Veteran's Memorial Design & Installation10/11/2023RFP 23-06 Tabulation Record-Intent to Award
RFQ 23-01CLOSED10/24/2023Continuing Professional Consulting Services10/25/2023
RFP 24-01CLOSED12/5/2023Lake Marie Pedestrian/Bike Trail Bridge ReplacementN/ATabled Indefinitely at the December 12, 2023 Town Commission Meeting.
RFP 24-02CLOSED12/13/20232 Automated Side Load 31 Yard Garbage Trucks1/18/2024RFP 24-02 TABULATION RECORD
RFP 24-03CLOSED12/13/20231 Rear Load 31 Yard Garbage Truck1/18/2024RFP24-03 TABULATION RECORD
RFP 24-04REJECTION OF ALL BIDS1/31/2024Dundee Community Center RenovationsN/AAll Bids Rejected and RFP Reissued.
RFP 24-05CLOSED12/27/2023Dundee Fire Department Mini Pumper1/18/2024RFP24-05 TABULATION RECORD
RFP 24-04CLOSED3/27/2024Dundee Community Center RenovationsN/ARFP 24-04 TABULATION RECORD
RFP 24-06CLOSED3/26/2024Design, Construction, and Installation of Emergency Generators4/9/2024
RFQ 24-01CLOSED5/1/2024RFQ 24-01 Continuing Professional Planning and Visioning Services Contracts5/14/2024RFQ 24-01 Tabulation Record
RFQ 24-01CLOSED5/1/2024RFQ 24-01 Addendum 1 RFQ Schedule Deadline to Submit Requests for Additional Information5/14/2024RFQ 24-01 Addendum 1 Extending RFAI to 4-24-2024
RFQ 24-01CLOSED5/1/2024RFQ 24-01 Addendum 2 CCNA Agreement5/14/2024RFQ 24-01 Addendum 2 CCNA Agreement
RFQ 24-01CLOSED5/1/2024RFQ 24-01 Addendum 3 Section 2.2 SERVICES5/14/2024RFQ 24-01 Addendum 3 Section 2.2
RFP 24-08CLOSED6/26/2024RFP 24-08 Utility Lift Station Maintenance Crane Truck7/10/2024RFP 24-08 Tabulation Record
RFP 24-07CLOSED07/24/2024RFP 24-07 Design, Construction and Installation of a Splash Pad(s) - With Addendum 18/13/2024RFP 24-07 Design, Construction and Installation of a Splash Pad(s)
RFP 24-07 AddendumCLOSED7/24/2024RFP 24-07 Design, Construction and Installation of a Splash Pad(s) - With Addendum 18/13/2024RFP 24-07 Addendum 1 Extending Submission Deadline
RFP 24-06CLOSED7/30/2024RFP 24-06 Design, Construction and Installation of Emergency GeneratorsN/A - All bids rejectedNOTICE TO REJECT ALL BIDS RFP 24-06
RFP 24-09CLOSED12/4/2024RFP 24-09 (DCC) Design, Construction and Installation of Emergency GeneratorRFP 24-09 Tabulation Record
RFP 24-10CLOSED12/4/2024RFP 24-10 (Lift Station) Design, Construction and Installation of Emergency GeneratorRFP 24-10 Tabulation Record
IFB 24-11CLOSED12/16/2024IFB 24-11 Grapple TruckIFB 24-11 Tabulation Record

For Specific Bid documentation of any CLOSED bid, please contact the Town Clerk at EAnderson@townofdundee.com

Informal Department Purchases

Town Policy states that all purchases over $500 require a department to get three (3) quotes from vendors for an informal comparison of costs if a vendor is not on state pricing or has a continuing contract with the town. Department heads can then choose which of the three vendors they wish to use. A full record of purchases is available upon request from the Town Clerk’s office.